VU Engineering Receives Official ETH Spin-off Label

2 min readDec 22, 2020


Logos of the ETH spin-off label and VU Engineering next to each other

Zurich, Switzerland — December 22, 2020 — VU Engineering, a Swiss-based computer vision, and machine learning startup, today announced it was officially recognized as an ETH spin-off. Startups founded by ETH alumni and building on technology from ETH can be granted this label by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich).

Founded by ETH alumnus Lucas Vandroux, VU Engineering researches and develops custom computer vision and machine learning solutions for companies across Europe and Asia. VU Engineering’s mission is to give every company the ability to unlock the full potential of all their visual data. Most recently, VU Engineering joined NVIDIA Inception, a program designed to nurture startups revolutionizing industries with advancements in AI and data sciences. The ETH spin-off label further solidifies VU Engineering’s presence as an up and coming Swiss startup.

“We are very excited to join the ETH spin-off community. Advice and mentorship from experienced and successful entrepreneurs will prove invaluable to our growth. Moreover, the ETH spin-off label further strengthens our customers and partners’ trust in our company.”

Lucas Vandroux, Founder of VU Engineering and ETH Alumnus

ETH spin-offs are recognized as having a strong positive impact on the Swiss economy. According to a recent study by the University of St.Gallen, ninety-​five percent of the spin-offs are still located in Switzerland, with the majority based in Zurich, thus enabling them to boost the country’s economy and capacity for innovation. Additionally, ETH spin-offs represent an attractive investment opportunity with an average money multiple of 3.6. Data from one-third of all ETH Zurich spin-offs show that they generated almost CHF 900 million in revenue in 2017 and had created almost 4,5 thousand jobs by 2018.

About VU Engineering

VU Engineering (a.k.a. Vandroux Unlimited Engineering GmbH) was founded in 2019 in Zurich (CH) to help companies extract actionable information from videos and pictures. VU Engineering gives every business the ability to unlock the full potential of their visual data.

Our team is composed of specialized engineers in computer vision and artificial intelligence from ETH Zurich, Tsinghua University, and EPFL Lausanne.

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